Thursday, September 4, 2008

Today is a day to celebrate!!

So, it has been forever since anyone has posted and from all of us, I apologize. However, today is a monumental day. It is Kristen's LAST CHEMO DAY!!! We are so excited for this crap to be over with. SO, Kristen, way to go, you've been a trooper through all of this and we love you. So, everyone keep checking back cause in the near future we will be having a party to celebrate the end of the chemo and we want all her friends and family to celebrate with us. It will most likely be on a Saturday evening, and it will be a open house kinda thing. Ciao!


Cindy Boyer said...

HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE PARTY!!!! K dawg you are my hero, so strong and i just love ya to death.


Brock and Kristi said...

Yeah!!! I am so excited for you!! I'm excited for the party! :) Let me know what I can do to help!

Angie said...

HOrray! Keep us updated for sure to let us know how she is doing and if the cancer goes away for sur!

Unknown said...

Way to hang in there precious. I just don't have the words just a big smile for you and your family. God bless. Love the Schoenfeld Family :)

Corpuz Family said...

That is great new! YEAH!!! A party is a great way to celebrate!

Heather said...

Yeah for no more Chemo!!!

Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear that you are done!!! There is nothing like that day! I am glad you are having a celebration as well! We did that for Haley and it was such a special occasion! I hope things continue to go well and that this is the END of all of this for you guys. I know it will be awhile until you don't ever have to do check ups and stuff, but at least this part is done and things will start to get back to the way they were before. The best part is now she can grow her hair back!!! That is the best! No more staring and visible signs that she is sick! I am sorry you had to go through is never something you expect or ever want to happen, but you guys came out like champs!