Thursday, July 10, 2008


Today Kristen had her 8th chemo appointment. She met with the doctor before and he wants her to do a PET scan, CT scan, and a Lung Function test. She gets those done in ten days. He'd do them sooner but she has a cold and he doesn't want it to interfere with the results of the tests. If the scans all come back clear she will continue on and do the four more chemos that she has been planning on. If there is anything on the scans she will have to not only do those four, but four more. We are praying hard hard hard that all will be well with the scans and she can finish this H-E-double-hockey-sticks in September. So keep her in your prayers.

The next issue at hand is money. She is now on long term disability, so is not working anymore, and is not guaranteed her job when she is done with all this. Her work has been so understanding through all this and we appreciate their patience and support. SO, she is hanging on right now, but in the future may need some help, so I have come up with a plan. I'm thinking of doing a garage sale, with all proceeds going to her to help with the bills as they come in. If she doesn't get to that point or has extra, the money will be donated to the American Cancer Society. There is a slight chance I might sneek some and keep it aside for a nice relaxing get away or massage for when this is all said and done. Who knows. SO.... keep that in mind when you see that extra stuff you have lying around in a DI pile. More information is soon to come. If anyone wants to help, let me know.

1 comment:

Angie said...

We will keep you in our prayers Kristen! I wish I was there to help you with the garage sale. I hope you are able to raise enough money. Good luck and we'll be praying for you.